I Have Diabetes — How Often Should I Have My Eyes Checked?


Older man having his eyes examined

High blood sugar levels can damage your eyesight before you even realize it. If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, it’s important to have your eyes checked regularly. Our ophthalmologists and optometrists at Pacific Eye are experienced in diabetic eye care, and they can help you maintain your eye health for […]

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What You Can Do Now to Reduce Your Risk of Macular Degeneration


Doctor and Patient Consultation

Macular degeneration can loom as a larger and larger concern as you age, especially if you have a family history of the disease. Fortunately, there are ways to control a number of the risk factors associated with this disease, so you can substantially increase your chances of avoiding macular degeneration.  Drs. Ahmad Amir, Robert Higginbotham, […]

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Myths and Facts About Cataracts


Eye with severe cataract

As your eyes age, the normally clear lens that focuses light behind your iris and pupil becomes yellow and cloudy with dead cells and protein. The cataracts that result are a normal part of aging as your body replaces old and dying cells more slowly.  More than 50% of Americans 80 and older develop cataracts, […]

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5 Reasons to Consider LASIK Eye Surgery


Tech overlay on an eye

Imagine being able to make it through your day without wearing glasses or contact lenses. That’s the goal of LASIK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, surgery. The procedure can virtually cure some vision problems by changing the shape of your eye and the way it processes light. LASIK produces results so dramatic that it has […]

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How Does Diabetes Affect Your Vision?


Doctor and Patient Consultation

Did you know that diabetes is actually the primary cause of blindness in adults aged 20 to 74? In fact, diabetes is so closely linked to vision issues that there’s a term for eye problems caused by diabetes — diabetic retinopathy.  Here at the Pacific Eye offices, conveniently located across California, our expert eye doctors […]

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Summertime Tips for Chronic Dry Eye


Older woman rubbing eyes

Dry eye usually isn’t dangerous, but anyone with this chronic condition understands how uncomfortable it can be. That’s because when you have dry eye, you lack proper lubrication in your eyes, which causes symptoms like: Burning or itching Sensitivity to light Watery or redness Mucus in or around your eyes Feeling like something is in […]

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Common Symptoms That Could Signal You Have Macular Degeneration


Older woman on couch

Macular degeneration progresses slowly and often asymptomatically until you notice significant difficulty seeing. It’s the leading cause of blindness in the United States, and though some young and middle-aged adults are diagnosed with macular degeneration, the condition primarily affects those ages 65 and older. Because of the age factor, macular degeneration usually refers to a […]

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Am I a Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery?


LASIK Surgery In Progress

While laser eye surgery isn’t right for everyone, those suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or cataracts are considered great candidates.   Here at Pacific Eye, our ophthalmologists and optometrists provide state-of-the-art care from routine exams to laser eye surgery. We have six offices throughout San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties, and each one is […]

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Glasses vs. Contacts: Which Is Right for You?


Woman sitting in front of a Phoropter

If you have difficulty seeing, it’s time for corrective lenses. But which is right for you: glasses or contacts? While both eyeglasses and contact lenses can assist you in seeing better, they also have their own pros and cons. To help you decide which is best for your eyes, the team at Pacific Eye is […]

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